Analog and digital photography, series of seven, sculpture, Dutch poetry, 2024

‘Beyond Illusion’ provides an intimate look into Noa Luna’s journey of healing her abandonment wound, emphasizing the validation of the inner child and reconnection with the Self.
“We shouldn’t look for the real outside of us, but within us. When we focus on the outward, we too often get caught up in judgments – this is good, that is bad, this is what I want, this is what I don’t want. Such judgment traps us in our illusions, our sleepiness, our old habits and patterns. Let go of your wayward thinking and go within. There you can relax in your own deepest truth, where the difference between dreams and reality is already known”.  – Osho
In Noa’s journey, healing means transcending these illusions by overcoming conditioning, fear, doubt, and ultimately the ego and mind. 

I The material reality

the ground from under me

I want to hold on
grasping around me

an eternal nothingness

where are you?
who is it I see?

my nails into my skin
please don’t look at me

II Realization: the illusion of the paradox

I want you with me
but you will leave...

what if you go?

and what if you don't see me?

I know you're going
and I know ‘what if’
I lean on you
that eternal nothingness

I can feel you leaving
  because I say so

it's the only thing I know

III Beyond illusion

I managed to free myself from the prison of my own thoughts

a reality made on my own

like a flower that opens, I explore light and love

not to the outside,
but inside
for I am infinite
    as the universe

'see me'
I said to myself

because there is no other
I am al(l)-one
somtimes I fall back,

please hold my hand.
sculpture, baked recycled clay, ca. 15 x 9 x 4 cm
This work is conceived as an installation in which photographic images are projected onto two translucent fabrics suspended from the ceiling. The visual elements are accompanied by the instrumental composition of the song "I'm a Firefighter" by , which enhances the immersive experience. The viewer is invited to first engage with the poetry inscribed on the wall, while simultaneously placing their hand on a ceramic piece, before proceeding to observe the projections. This multi-sensory interaction seeks to deepen the viewer's connection with the thematic elements of the work.

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